Saturday, July 10, 2010

Haven been blogging for awhile because i'm addicted to Tumblr! (:
Hehehe ok i'll update this blog when i feel like it.
Link me @
Heheh k thanks bb.~~

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Hey!Say!JUMP's first album is out, congratulations! ^^ though.
Let's compare to their first debut single in 2007.
[This post might contain many things related to jpop, so if you dont wanna read, skip this bit!]

Okay, i'm being a retard getting so happy for this. HAHAHA.
Anyway, if they come SG, i dont think it will be as chaotic as the kpop stars coming to SG O:
Sorry, i'm getting sick and tired of blogging, nothing much. Tumblr is more exciting ^^ Maybe i should switch there? O:
Entertainment on 5 has B2ST featuring, not a fan of B2ST but i'm interested in seeing.
I influenced Jiamin to like jpop too ^^ HEHEH THE SKY IS GONNA FALL ALREADY ~~~
Maybe it's because JUMP is still very young, the youngest is 15 and the oldest is 20. All of them is schooling and one is in university, talk about good time management skills when we, normal teenagers cant cope with daily life and problems.
You might never know what problems they might face, besides school + career + stalkers, could be other things.
I wanna be like them, good management skills and etc. Okay, that's the thing i need to change in myself! TIME MANAGEMENT SKILLS.
Anyway, first week of school was tiring. Getting adjusted to new timetable, i realied there's Oralcomm AGAIN :@
This is so dumb because even in p6 we had and last year too then must take the exam again and worry like shit.
I like History, it's so much easier to remember than Geog, all stories and stories! Jiamin is afraid to learn about the war, she says it's scary HEHEHE. And this whole week is raining! O: The rain is ten times heavier than compared to last year and in just a week, the amount of rain has covered the whole of last year's June's rainfall O: I wonder what would happen if SG got flooded! Like in the 1960s, then we'll have to go on boats how exciting. I think Midori's mad at me for not playing maple but srsly i forgot the keys to play and i think it'll be an epic fail -.- Okay, World Cup's match Brazil Vs Germany, Germany won! HAHAHA ok everyone is happy, my right knee aches kk i need kneeguard ald my knees always hurt okay baibai i wanna watch videos ald hehehe :>