Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Helloooooo! :D
Alicia came my house today.
She went to the salon to cut SPIKES!
HAHAHAHA she looks like a boy now :D
She enjoys playing with my Hello Kitty toy vending machine from Japan. ^^
She thinks the fringe makes her forehead look big.
She purposely cut like Daiki Arioka! HOHOHO :D
And i showed the hairdresser Daiki's picture and she cut EXACTLY THE SAMEE!
Her spikes are cool!
Leaving for Europe tomorrow^^
Shall play maple now.

Monday, November 23, 2009


The Sec 2 algebra is really confusing me.
I'm gonna get all wrong, for sure.
Midori's birthday party today!
Pulara and Sarah wore matching oufits!
I painted my toenails PINK and put flowery stickers on it!
Alicia wants to cut spikes!
I'm gonna watch penguin daddy now! (:

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Japan Ichiban!

Went ION Orchard and Isetan todayy!
Spectacular! ^^ Bought this cool fleece jacket from Uniqlo!
Reversible! I loveee it!
Then went to eat japanese food which was having a $1 happy hour.
HOHOHO. So many people flocked to buy.
I think the guy's a japanese ^^
Isetan's boring. All the branded bags and watches which are too expenisve to afford.
I wanted to be part of the touris group on the escalator! HAHAHA
Alicia thinks Ryutaro and Daiki is cute :D
She did shoe-painting and made a mess! HAHAHA.
Using acylic paint and painting STRIPES!
How artistic.
Five moreee days!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

How long more.

I cannot wait to wash my hair tomorrow! O:
Went back to school todaywith Angie, Li Jun, Naomi and Khai Ting.
Angie thought i dyed my hair :D HAHAHA
Met Mrs. Wong she was shocked to see Li Jun with lavender braces :D
And me with rebonded hair.
She said it looks sexier. HAHAHAHA.
The P6 graduation played 'Sorry, Sorry' by Super Junior!
How awesome is that!
The rain is cool, i saw floods on the road :D
The bus uncle drove very slowwlyyyyy.
Super cold! ^^
Nice to sleep, byeeeexz.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Back to school tomorrow,
excited and thrilled to see OLQP-ians.
I saw white parrots yesterday! O:
Alicia wants a moustache, with a beard and boy wig.
She wants to become an old man for one day!
I have algebra course today again -.-
All the secondary 2 algebra -.-
I'm bored, shall go and tweet and play maple (:

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Will be on a longgg hiatus from the computer for don't know how long O:
Don't ask why. Tags are appreaciated.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Closing back

He looks like Daichan here ^^
Hi! Had this weird dream.
I dreamt hamsters could swim!
Awesome! :D
Tomorrow's the flu jab, i'm scared :X
I wish i had more time to use the computer -.-
Boredd. Shall play maple.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Sweet Temptations

I really want to rebond my hair badly.
The japanese hair straightening gel thingy smells nice O:
Dad's back from Thailand, no FBTs, unfortunately D:
He bought back my shirts and chewing gum .
I still don't know how to blow a bubblegum.
I know, i'm hopeless O:
Went to Chinatown today, my mother claims she saw Jeanette Aw :D
So cool! I wanna catch a glimpse of her!
Next tuesday, maybe going out with Lexin, Sherilyn and Zayn (:
Shall go and play maple now :D

Thursday, November 5, 2009

This is it

What a sleepy day today.
Dad's enjoying himself in Thailand, all right.
He bought me some T-shirts, called No Problem ^^
Wonder if he managed to buy more FBTs O:
So cool, a brand named No Problem :)
He just woke up not too long ago, coming back home tonight.
Went IMM today with mummy, met Midori.
Mummy picked cool winter beanie for me ^^
Went Daiso with Midori
She bought me GREEN TEA which does not taste like the Pokka tea which we both love.
And bought me Taboyaki crackers! Octopusss! :D
I feel like a pig.
After that go eat lunch :X
Midori's internet cable is hidden, she can't seem to find it anywhere O:
She can't play maple :(
Maple is cool ^^ You get to kill orange mushrooms and snails!
I think the orange mushrooms are cute and the snails are annoying.
And we're eating them in Paris -.-
Wonder if it tastes nice.
Mei says she wants to go to the CHIJ in France.
Byeeeee :D

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Fading away

LAMDA wasnt so bad as i thought it would be (:
The examiner's really nice! :D
Thanks Rachel and Gloria for the encouragement!
Holidays are here and i'm already dying.
I plan to rebond my hair by this holidays.
I plan to hibernate during the holidays
And a bunch of other useless stuff.
I can't wait for next year, how exciting, being Sec 2.
Maple's addictive.
Sorry, haven't played Maple in a year, that's why I'm so lame :D
Dad's in Thailand, i hope he buys more toys from there! (:
Okay, okay, i shall stop posting and play more Maple.
Byeeee (:

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hushed Whispers

Tomorrow's LAMDA.
Really nervous O:
Alicia doesn't have to take, i envy her! D:
Thanks, Rachel. For the encouragement (:
Played Maple. Feel so noob.
Create new character
So low level. HAHAHAHA.
The medicine is making me drowsy.
Someone's really annoying me.
She just doesn't know it, how ironic.
My new Sony Walkman, i know how to use^^
HAHAHAHA. After nine months somemore -.-
Yeah, yeah. I know i'm very loserish.
HAHAHA. Okay, byee (:

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Got an awful cough.
Hope it gets better before the flu jab.
Feel so fat alreadyy. Exercised just now, but i feel it's not enough.
Feel like eating mochi balls.
Feel like doing many things.
Hope i'll do the LAMDA well.

So sick and tired

So sianxz.
Tomorrow must go back to school for the last lesson of Oralcomm -.-
I don't like it.
Wednesday must go back for LAMDA exam.
So boringgg. And we did LAMDA last year -.-
I'm off to do my speech.