Thursday, November 5, 2009

This is it

What a sleepy day today.
Dad's enjoying himself in Thailand, all right.
He bought me some T-shirts, called No Problem ^^
Wonder if he managed to buy more FBTs O:
So cool, a brand named No Problem :)
He just woke up not too long ago, coming back home tonight.
Went IMM today with mummy, met Midori.
Mummy picked cool winter beanie for me ^^
Went Daiso with Midori
She bought me GREEN TEA which does not taste like the Pokka tea which we both love.
And bought me Taboyaki crackers! Octopusss! :D
I feel like a pig.
After that go eat lunch :X
Midori's internet cable is hidden, she can't seem to find it anywhere O:
She can't play maple :(
Maple is cool ^^ You get to kill orange mushrooms and snails!
I think the orange mushrooms are cute and the snails are annoying.
And we're eating them in Paris -.-
Wonder if it tastes nice.
Mei says she wants to go to the CHIJ in France.
Byeeeee :D

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