Friday, October 30, 2009

End of 2009

Can't believe 2009 is gone in a flash.
Sec 1 Orientation seemed like only last week.
I still remember Christmas music being played in the foyer.
So cool rightt? ^^
The principal is really happy with this year 2009, full of achievements.
I guess I'm happy for the school.
Adapting to the new school enviroment is hard, making new friends, etc.
But it worked out.
Gosh, gosh. Can't believe one year has just flown just like that.
It's really scary come to think of it.
Anyway, everone will be promoted to Express stream next year (:
Super happy, with my marks also. Improved alot.
By 11 ranks.
2010 is comingg! Get readyy for another year of excitements and achievements again!
One, two, three.

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