Saturday, May 22, 2010

Moment of folly.
Okay, yesterday was Founders' Day which was boring-.- but we had it via video conference in the training room with AIRCON so it wasn't so bad after all. :D
20 May
May you stay cheerful and happy ^^
HEHEHEH Your devil's child will always make me laugh.
Credits to Jiamin for this photo (:

Tomorrow's Laura's birthday party, I hope i can make it after math tuition tomorrow O: My sister just had friendly netball matches with other schools this morning, she said they lost to all the schools except one school 0-0 -.- HAHAH. On the other hand, she received a free Banana Boat sunblock which expires in September? -.- She smells of banana now. O:

There's normal lessons on monday, which i'm not looking forward too because it'll be boring-.- I want June to faster come! O: I want to shop, shop and shop. Okay, and maybe take up a new sport to learn. Midori's taking Aikido, which is no surprise because she already can hit people so well. HAHAHA. Maybe i should take kickboxing? I'll probably end up kicking into the table instead and injuring my foot-.-

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