Saturday, January 23, 2010

Hello, haven blogged for a while.
So fun yesterday go Midori's house! (:
Alicia and Laura came. Alicia was a retard screaming like a little girl when Midori's cat, Kiki kept sniffing her butt and legs and hands. Stupid idiot kept jumping and bouncing when Midori kept carrying Kiki to her -.- Then she squeezed my neck which HURT -.- Laura kept laughing nonstop until she cried , then started sneezing like mad with Midori. HAHAHAHA DAMN FUNNY then Laura kicked Alicia and Alicia's phone dropped on the floor. HAHAHAHA AND IT STILL COULD VIBRATE AFTERWARDS. WTH. You should have seen Laura's face. EPIC. HAHAHA THAT IDIOT PULLED MY HAIR AND PRATICALLY BOUNCED ON ME -.- Messaged Ivy about Alicia, she said Alicia is a wimp. Totally true. Played Wii. WOOHOO i beat Midori in basketball O: HAHAHA Bowling she striked twice! Pro. Then Alicia and her played Bleach Wii. Very funny leh the way they shake the control! :D Ate udon for dinner with tempura, tasted good. (:

Hitomi No Screen PV is out.
New single on the 24th Feb (: That's greattt!

After one year please, about time anyways.

I want a docomo phone also. LOL. Looks super cool (:

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