Friday, April 30, 2010

HAHAH hello :> Overdued pictures.
I miss my old fringe ): Now it's so screwed have to change to bangs again.
I feel like some fat pig eating Macs' again just last week ate Macs now eat again -.-
I haven exercised for awhile, god. So sinful all the food i'm eating.
I'm gna hit the gym after MYE. Or better still tonight, if i'm not lazy.
English paper was a tortue, omg. :/ I think i've failed it.
I've finaly made a Tumblr account after 123456789 over tries, heheh.
Heheh Jiamin brought Baygone that day to kill ants O:
There's ants crawling on the walls, and she and i were smashing them.
She says i can be an ant killer ald. :/
Hahahah oh and Sarah wants to be reincarnaited(sp?) into a unicorn ^^ So kewl.
Okay that's all.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hehe decided to blog out of boredom, when MYE's just this week ):
I found some pictures recently! O:
This was taken in Primary 5 after the filming of Ka-Ching! Reena, Valerine and Seraphina ^^ I was tanned now and then -.-

This was like taken end of primary 6 O: I look spastic.Midori ;) HAHAHA i love you even though you drive me nuts sometimes.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

I'll be on a hiatus from now till MYE is overrr.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The girl is this picture is damn pretty (Y)

Omg just realised exams are like in three weeks?! -.-Wth why so fast?
I'm supposed to be doing work, but unfortunately, I'm distracted again, this is bad. I didn't feel good today, after recess, must be the meekia, I thought it was gonna kill me -.- I think my vertigo's worse, but yeah, this was also bad. ): Thanks Xi Ru and Cynthia for taking care of me ;)I realised i misplced my EFL booklet, like seriosuly cannot find. Oh crap i very scared my mum threw it away, there's like stuff to do for VE SA1 -.-
I dont' wanna go YOG tmr, so boring ttm, and it's tiring, I'm so tired for everything.
I want to exercise, but the weather's so unpredictable, i must seriously stop procrastinating and do something about it. I want to be like Chinen, Chinen, Chinen.
Talented in everything, sports, studies, career. Okay, I'm talking rubbish now.

Monday, April 5, 2010

I am so so so so tired today. All i can think about now is sleep.
Lessons were killing me already -__- Geography is boring and Bavithra was being annoying throughout the whole time when i didn't even annoy her back, so ironic.
There was Theresian Awards Day reharsel today, which drained me out, cause the weather was so humid and stuffy, with rain, but it was sooo hottt. I was all sticky, sweaty and smelly -__-
Oh man i'm getting distracted already by listening to NYC Boys' new song Yuuki 100% this is bad , bad ,bad cause i'm supposed to be getting photos from the EFL album for IT -.-
Seeing Chinen cheers me up, oh well, it lightens my mood.
I wanna draw but there's nothing nice to draw. Gah, I can't stand it already, weather is so hot and people talking behind my backs when they themselves are at faults themsleves. I'm very angry already. Apologised already still wanna talk bad about me. Full of bullshit lah waste my time to get angry over people like you.
I can't be bothered already.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Today's Good Friday, went to church this morning at 8.30am plus
Thanks Priscilla and Christabel for the magazine, (Y)
Watch Clash of the Titans yesterday, it was okay.
I didn't know Medusa was a snake O:
I hate pimples, it's so disgusting, I wanna poke it and press it until it bursts O:
I think i need an Idiots' Guide to Tumblr cause i have no idea how to use it.
Okay there's tuition tmr and i don't wanna go.