Friday, April 30, 2010

HAHAH hello :> Overdued pictures.
I miss my old fringe ): Now it's so screwed have to change to bangs again.
I feel like some fat pig eating Macs' again just last week ate Macs now eat again -.-
I haven exercised for awhile, god. So sinful all the food i'm eating.
I'm gna hit the gym after MYE. Or better still tonight, if i'm not lazy.
English paper was a tortue, omg. :/ I think i've failed it.
I've finaly made a Tumblr account after 123456789 over tries, heheh.
Heheh Jiamin brought Baygone that day to kill ants O:
There's ants crawling on the walls, and she and i were smashing them.
She says i can be an ant killer ald. :/
Hahahah oh and Sarah wants to be reincarnaited(sp?) into a unicorn ^^ So kewl.
Okay that's all.

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