Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The girl is this picture is damn pretty (Y)

Omg just realised exams are like in three weeks?! -.-Wth why so fast?
I'm supposed to be doing work, but unfortunately, I'm distracted again, this is bad. I didn't feel good today, after recess, must be the meekia, I thought it was gonna kill me -.- I think my vertigo's worse, but yeah, this was also bad. ): Thanks Xi Ru and Cynthia for taking care of me ;)I realised i misplced my EFL booklet, like seriosuly cannot find. Oh crap i very scared my mum threw it away, there's like stuff to do for VE SA1 -.-
I dont' wanna go YOG tmr, so boring ttm, and it's tiring, I'm so tired for everything.
I want to exercise, but the weather's so unpredictable, i must seriously stop procrastinating and do something about it. I want to be like Chinen, Chinen, Chinen.
Talented in everything, sports, studies, career. Okay, I'm talking rubbish now.

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