Monday, May 31, 2010

Hahahah hiiii :>
YOG today was tiring today.
Kay Li was being mean to me by untying my shoelaces every five minutes-.-
Okay and i was being random to post the picture above hahah but it's seriously cute i want a shirt like that ^^
And yeah i think i'm being influenced by Kaichou wa Maid Sama, i really want to go to a maid cafe at Chijmes or Iluma oneday ^^ But i think i will be broke cause it probably wont be cheap-.-
Hahah hoping to get a part-time job next year during the holidays to earn extra $$$ cause i'm really broke ):
HAHA i'm so exciteddddd for penang :>
Oh ya Midori's my pet cat who likes sing -.-

Friday, May 28, 2010

Jealousy musn't get the better of me.
Cheer up, Cherie.
I will not hold grudges against anyone because it will only make me unhappy and others around me unhappy.
It's just meaningless being angry at someone for so long. Why do i even still care like seriously.

I just love Daiki.
He's blessed with a beautiful smile and i love his new brown hair, really suits him ;) He never gets angry at all, I really admire him.
Even if a person's pretty on the outside, but you're ugly on the inside, you'll still be ugly.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Today was rather great, I think i am drunk O:
I couldn't keep my eyes awake the whole time and i think i wasn't sober at all, cause everything seems like a blur.
I'm already like killing my braincells, using computer and talking rubbish which i myslef don't know what i'm saying?
I think if you give me a Sec1 algebra sum i don't think i would be able to do :/
I keep replaying and replaying Take it Off by Kesha which is stuck in my mind, hahaha.
Better start packing for penang :> Hehehe i have to wake up at an unearthly hour at 3 in the morning to be at the airport. ~ There goes my sleep.
There's YOG tmr and i'm not looking forward to it but i'm gna force myself to go cause i need the exercise as i've been feeling sluggish and tired lately, saturday i should exercise too O:
Lessons today was mostly watching movies all halfway?
This whole week was watching shows like Five Fingers, The Proposal, Ip Man and 2012, Ferris's Day Out and idk what else? Heheh like free cinema like that.
Toy Story 3 is coming out on 17 June and i wna watch it and i just rewatched Toy Story 1 and 2 which brought back memories. I used to have the Jessie doll which was my fave toy but now i've lost it )':
Hahaha some idiot went to photoshop this but it's pretty good. ~
To be honest, I think they look prettier than some girls, no offence.
PTC's tmr, I hope everything goes well.
Okay bye.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Omg i totally love Kesha ^^ I am addicted to her songs it's so meaningful.
Take it Off and Your Love is my Drug is stuck in my head. :D And she's so pretty too! :)
Hehe okay school's gonna end this thursday and there's STC's Got Talent which Bernice will be MC so exciting :)
Today, I'm super sleepy, I feel like I'm drunk O: I just don't know why but it must be the heat which was like 33degrees?! -.- Thanks to global warming.
I have a sore neck and a sore right elbow thanks to my sister who made the floor so wet, and i stupidly slipped and fell down when i walked on the wet floor and my elbow hit the ground O:
Luckily, I didn't fracture anything, but it'll be cool to have a fractured elbow that's because i never fractured anything before and people will sign your cast. :)
Heheh okie my sister has a pogo stick which is superrr cool cause she's bouncing on it happily and i wanna try but I'm afraid I'll fall again like a retard. -.-
Hehehe okayy bye.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Moment of folly.
Okay, yesterday was Founders' Day which was boring-.- but we had it via video conference in the training room with AIRCON so it wasn't so bad after all. :D
20 May
May you stay cheerful and happy ^^
HEHEHEH Your devil's child will always make me laugh.
Credits to Jiamin for this photo (:

Tomorrow's Laura's birthday party, I hope i can make it after math tuition tomorrow O: My sister just had friendly netball matches with other schools this morning, she said they lost to all the schools except one school 0-0 -.- HAHAH. On the other hand, she received a free Banana Boat sunblock which expires in September? -.- She smells of banana now. O:

There's normal lessons on monday, which i'm not looking forward too because it'll be boring-.- I want June to faster come! O: I want to shop, shop and shop. Okay, and maybe take up a new sport to learn. Midori's taking Aikido, which is no surprise because she already can hit people so well. HAHAHA. Maybe i should take kickboxing? I'll probably end up kicking into the table instead and injuring my foot-.-

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Rennie's such a cutesy ^^
Slacking in chem lesson with Shalyn and Lynette. :D
Dragon boating was like superrr :> But my left arm feels like it's gonna snap into two-.-
Today got back papers, hahah wth all my hard effort only pass Geog on the dot-.-
I hate Geog, Math was rather disappointing :/ But still okay, Lit was unexpected.
I love the weather the past few days, so cool and windy like in Hongkong :D
June holidays faster come, I can't wait for Penang trip with guides where i can shop till i drop ^^
Midori is supposed to think of a story for our manga? -.- Hehehe Laura's birthday is coming up :>
There's like YOG training tmr after school at Mandai Army Camp, omg kill me now. This whole week's been torturous with PE activities training us for napha, and it seriously sucks. But i need the exercise i can get.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Exams are over already~

Went out with Rennie, Jiamin and Felicia to Pastamania!
So retarded, both Jiamin and Rennie had stomachache after they ate the pasta~

Sexyy ^^
Rennie says she practices swimming on her bed O:
Jiamin's scared of spiders as they're hairy and jumpy O:
Felicia's best friends with her bird ^^

Went out with the same people after Lit paper <:
Lit is tough! Felicia says she died halfway in the paper O:
Went Swensens to have 1 for 1 meal for the price of one?
HAHAHA had meal with Jiamin, while Rennie with Felicia!
Then went Macs' to study, but it was a failed attempt as Jiamin was busy taking pictures and videos of Rennie O:
Credits to Jiamin <:
Special effects O:

Went out with Geraldine, Huimin to Orchard.
Went to watch Snow Prince. It was pretty touching.
I cried at the ending -.- Thanks to Huimin.
Geraldine is a stone with no feelings, she only likes to watch horror shows O:
Orchard is interesting, yes, I haven been there for the last six months-.-
Bought some rubber love & peace bracelet (:
Met Yamin and her friend and trained home tgt ^^
Okay, I'm tiredddd, Byeeee <:

Monday, May 3, 2010

Snow Prince is coming to Sg on 13May (:
Wow, just nice MYE ends. Shintaro's so cute xD
The trailer for the show is very heartwarming. HAHAH okay ^^

The Plot:
10-year-old Sota lives with his grandfather and a dog named Chibi in a small snowy village. They live in such a poverty that Sota cannot even afford to go to school, but however hard the situation is, Sota never holds a bad feeling against anyone around and keeps his dream alive to become a painter. He has been friends with Sayo, a girl brought up in a wealthy family, ever since they were little despite the difference of their family position, which Sayo’s father has uneasy feelings against. In spite of the difficulties he faces, Sota manages to complete a piece of painting which he wishes to give Sayo. He and Chibi goes down a snowy night path to Sayo’s house to find that her father’s storage is on fire... What waits for Sota and Chibi gently reminds that genuine happiness always exists in your heart.

Chinese Paper 2 is tmr, i hope i'll do my bestt, I think i screwed up for English paper :/
