Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Today was rather great, I think i am drunk O:
I couldn't keep my eyes awake the whole time and i think i wasn't sober at all, cause everything seems like a blur.
I'm already like killing my braincells, using computer and talking rubbish which i myslef don't know what i'm saying?
I think if you give me a Sec1 algebra sum i don't think i would be able to do :/
I keep replaying and replaying Take it Off by Kesha which is stuck in my mind, hahaha.
Better start packing for penang :> Hehehe i have to wake up at an unearthly hour at 3 in the morning to be at the airport. ~ There goes my sleep.
There's YOG tmr and i'm not looking forward to it but i'm gna force myself to go cause i need the exercise as i've been feeling sluggish and tired lately, saturday i should exercise too O:
Lessons today was mostly watching movies all halfway?
This whole week was watching shows like Five Fingers, The Proposal, Ip Man and 2012, Ferris's Day Out and idk what else? Heheh like free cinema like that.
Toy Story 3 is coming out on 17 June and i wna watch it and i just rewatched Toy Story 1 and 2 which brought back memories. I used to have the Jessie doll which was my fave toy but now i've lost it )':
Hahaha some idiot went to photoshop this but it's pretty good. ~
To be honest, I think they look prettier than some girls, no offence.
PTC's tmr, I hope everything goes well.
Okay bye.

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