Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Omg i totally love Kesha ^^ I am addicted to her songs it's so meaningful.
Take it Off and Your Love is my Drug is stuck in my head. :D And she's so pretty too! :)
Hehe okay school's gonna end this thursday and there's STC's Got Talent which Bernice will be MC so exciting :)
Today, I'm super sleepy, I feel like I'm drunk O: I just don't know why but it must be the heat which was like 33degrees?! -.- Thanks to global warming.
I have a sore neck and a sore right elbow thanks to my sister who made the floor so wet, and i stupidly slipped and fell down when i walked on the wet floor and my elbow hit the ground O:
Luckily, I didn't fracture anything, but it'll be cool to have a fractured elbow that's because i never fractured anything before and people will sign your cast. :)
Heheh okie my sister has a pogo stick which is superrr cool cause she's bouncing on it happily and i wanna try but I'm afraid I'll fall again like a retard. -.-
Hehehe okayy bye.

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