Friday, October 30, 2009

End of 2009

Can't believe 2009 is gone in a flash.
Sec 1 Orientation seemed like only last week.
I still remember Christmas music being played in the foyer.
So cool rightt? ^^
The principal is really happy with this year 2009, full of achievements.
I guess I'm happy for the school.
Adapting to the new school enviroment is hard, making new friends, etc.
But it worked out.
Gosh, gosh. Can't believe one year has just flown just like that.
It's really scary come to think of it.
Anyway, everone will be promoted to Express stream next year (:
Super happy, with my marks also. Improved alot.
By 11 ranks.
2010 is comingg! Get readyy for another year of excitements and achievements again!
One, two, three.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Because you did it

Hello! Got back class photos today!
The funshot is seriously awful O:
I look like I'm trying to eat a whale.
Anyways, it is really nice the other two formal shots (:
It looks better than last year's P6 photo anyways.
Happy! Heard noone from our class will be retaining or going to Normal (:
Alicia gave me mentos and she accidentally stained herself with iodine.
HAHAHA. How dumb.
Okay, posted. Shall do other useless things (:

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I have ulcers everywhere in my mouth.
It hurts like crazy.
Dental appointment this Friday again-.-
Sianxz. Get well soon, Sarah (:

Monday, October 26, 2009

Slacking Day

Isn't this cool? :D Midori bought it from Candy Empire at Vivo.
It's a Wii sweet remote control.
(: I want oneee.
Tomorrow's hockey interclass competititon.
I hope everything goes well (:
Slacking today in the Cyberlodge with Jiamin.
Kept deleting my frogs i drew for the animation!
She laughed like there's no tomorrow.
I swear she cried :D
She kept staring at Taemin.
And scribbling Taemin everywhere.
I think she's obsessed with Taemin (:
Okay, i shall go and read (:

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Loving you alwayys

I feel hungry again.
:P Gonna grow fat any moment.
I had funn at Vernice's house yesterday :D
Her house warming party yesterdayy. (:
She still looks the same, except taller -.-
Why is everyone so tall? O: UNFAIRR.
I feel like going out and taking neoprints with LiJun and Anne-Marie (:
Went to church today, wonder if i should go church camp :/
Saw Midori in a dress at the coffee shop where we were eating lunch.
Midori so chio! ;D
She was eating BA CHOR MEE :D
I texted her, 'Wow, someone's enjoying her ba chor mee. Feeling better? ;D'
She replied back, ':P Yes. Thank you.'
HAHAHA. So innocent.
OH yes, Sherilyn's obsession with Yamada has went overboardd.

The above picture shows it all. HAHAHA. Can't wait to see how she looks :D

Okay, byeee (:

Saturday, October 24, 2009


This is MUN LI JUN:D
She likes playing with barbies and she lives near Mount St.Mun (:
She wears cool LAVENDER braces.
Cheers for MUN! ^^

I cut bangs like Chinen.
Only his bangs is nicer D:
The hairdresser cut TOO SHORT.
When she meant cut at the eyebrow i thought it would be at the eyebrow O:
Nvm, one more week of school anyway -.-

I'll miss Hans this year's Sec One class.
Had so much funn this year.
I'll never forgot the memories we spent there (:I hope i can be same class as Carmen.
I'll ask my mum to switch to Friday with Carmen :D

Cherie Fong is going to Egypt.
How cool is that? :D
I want her to bring a mummy home ;D
Okay, byeees (:

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Make some noise

HAHA. Found this (:
Got some dental appointment later at Outram.
Hope my teeth will be sparking after I come back from the dentist :D
I got this craving now to eat lots of chocolate {:

Oh, and.

I'm so honoured to be her best friend (:



I'm really tired todayy.
I think my memory is going to get from bad to worse.
I want to sleep soon if noone is going to entertain me (:
I got a SHINee poster from Mavis \m/
I'm so happy :D
Thanks, Mavis! ^^
Jiamin keeps staring at Taemin's face.
And Midori likes Minho from SHINee and Jaejoong from DBSK. (for once, she likes a popstar who's to her liking)
She's been pestering me to download maple.
I want to, but computer will lag and crashh :/
Jiamin keeps slapping my thigh every 5min during the police talk. Sitting with her was a mistake -.-
She made up a new phrase :D
'Once in a pink moon'
HAHA. I thought it was supposed to be once in a blue moon -.-
Sherilyn came to STC in her school uniform during recess.
I think everyone who saw her was shocked O:
I cant believe the Myojo December issue is out so fast-.-
It's not even November yet.
I wish Chinen would stop changing hairstyles every month.
I heard changing hairstyles to often will make your hair drop.
Chinen cut bangs again :D
I dont want the ugly side parting like Nakayama Yuma's O:
Someone get me a ticket to their Yokohama Concert Winter Tour.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Happy Days

Hello! Woke up early this morning.
Went to do a few sets of reps using the dumbells.
My arms are aching now. I want toned arms by the end of 2009 :D
Went to school today.
Got back all the exam papers -.-
Did okay for all except Geography.
Failed by a few marks :/
That's just sad D:
Maths got the best among all the other subjects. A1. LOL.
And English was supposed to be my forte :B
Had like only 15min to have recess because of the time delayed in the auditorium when going through the math paper.
Angie and Felicia kept disturbing me.
Midori is CRAZY over her flower done in Art.
She thinks the flower smells nice. O:
It smells of PAINT. Obsessed. HAHAHA.
Alicia got higher than me for all her subjects!
And she dozes off most of the time in school and still do so well -.-
Ivy kept disturbing Alicia when going through the Home Econs papers.
She says Alicia has a round face and a round body. HAHA O:
Li Jun put LAVENDER braces!
I think braces are AWESOMEXZ :D
Carmen Lee also put braces todayy.
She told me she can taste the metal taste :D
Mei is a LOSERR.
Throw gobstopper out of the window, hit back to her face!
I want Pulara's Donald Duck
I miss him D:
Okay (: My work here is done.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Chinen Yuuri from Hey!Say!JUMP
That is Chinen with his Senpai, Ohno Satoshi from Arashi :)
I LOVE HIM. I'm being random out of boredom.
So byeee :D
Carmen, don't kill me if you see this ^^

This is SNSD (click for bigger image :D)
They're the same entertainment as SHINee
They're so cool~

SHINee, a Korean band formed last year in 2008.
Uber hot :D
Guys follow their 'SHINee fashion'

This is Arashi.
Another Johnny's Entertainment band.
Formed in 1999.
Their songs are nice.
This is Hey!Say!JUMP
A extremely cheery and young band formed in 2007 consisting of 10 members.
So cute nehs~
OMG. This is so freakky and so scary! O:
This is Alice Nine. Another Japanese band by another entertainment.
They are going to give you nightmares! O:
They looked like they popped out from a manga story.

Monday, October 19, 2009

After the Rain

Hello! I had this weird dream last night. I think it was a nightmare O:
Because i woke up sweating :B
Went back to school today to help Miss. Mok ^^
Midori last minute backed out due to the flu O:
Texted Josephine, about Yamachan^^
Yamachan was in a BEAR COSTUME :DD
Josephine can't imagine. HAHA.
Meanie! I felt so alone :'( Took the train all the way to Tiong Bahru myself.
Couldn't get out at all. So packed. Had to squeeze O:
I accidentally brushed against this women's boob O:
She wouldn't budge -.-
I think i was the only IJ girl in the train! So paisehh~
Went to school, saw Sarah and Pulara. They had this badge called INSANE pinned onto their pinafores. HAHA :D
I feel so tired. Packing alot of stuff. I realised got ALOT unwanted shirts.
ALOT. I think if you stole 20, noone would know the difference :D
And there were alot of stuff, probably from the last era also have.
I found this CD show about a cat and her friends.
So cool! :D
So Bernice and i got this cool white school jacket with sweatpants!
Sarah hid behind the box when she saw the cat. (:
HAHA Scaredy-cat^^
Went to have lunch with Bernice at Tiong Bahru.
The grilled chicken was delicious.
I have this craving for grilled chicken. Having alot of cravings recently.
Bernice says i look like a Japanese^^ So honoured.
Sarah says I smile like Chinen Yuuri. And even look like him.
^^ Even better.
It's so hot today.
I feel sleeping. We're playing hockey tomorrow :D

Rachel! Didn't see you O:
So sadd D:

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Newly posted.

This is my second blog open for everyone to read.
Finally can use Blogger after a long, long time.
Only can use this skin nehs~
If i use Blogskins skins, the whole blog will screw up again.
I'll blog more if i have the time :D
Please link my Livejournal too, at
All entries are f-locked, so create/add me to read. Thanks!