Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Chinen Yuuri from Hey!Say!JUMP
That is Chinen with his Senpai, Ohno Satoshi from Arashi :)
I LOVE HIM. I'm being random out of boredom.
So byeee :D
Carmen, don't kill me if you see this ^^

This is SNSD (click for bigger image :D)
They're the same entertainment as SHINee
They're so cool~

SHINee, a Korean band formed last year in 2008.
Uber hot :D
Guys follow their 'SHINee fashion'

This is Arashi.
Another Johnny's Entertainment band.
Formed in 1999.
Their songs are nice.
This is Hey!Say!JUMP
A extremely cheery and young band formed in 2007 consisting of 10 members.
So cute nehs~
OMG. This is so freakky and so scary! O:
This is Alice Nine. Another Japanese band by another entertainment.
They are going to give you nightmares! O:
They looked like they popped out from a manga story.

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