Friday, March 26, 2010

Heheh okay I'm supposed to be revising my work, but basically i'm boredddd.
I'm very sleepy today, halfway dozed off during English lesson, then there was Earth Hour today in school at 9.45am and the school made us switch off all the electricity, so it was very warm with very little wind -.-
Jiamin was annoying me by asking me so many questions, she likes to tempt with her Juicy Tender and her packed food from home -.- HAHAH. Jessica's invited me to her church concert on the 4April, Cynthia's coming too :D
PTC was yesterday, I didn't go cause i had math coaching, which wasn't so bad after all :/
I wanna take A Math next year but i have to score a B3 at least, that means i have to work my guts off for math for the coming exams.
I'm so exhausted tmr i have two chinese tuitions and one math tuition -__-" Chinese, chinese, surprisingly i did better for it than Science, unbelievable -

HAHAHA ohhhh i want a Scrump btw ^^ It's soooo cuteeeee ^^v Okay byee

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

This is a quiz i ripped off Nicole's blog cause I'm basically bored now (:

1. Name?
Cherie Cheah Hui Hsia

2. Nickname(s)?
Cherry, Cherberrie, Jerry -.- And i think that's all.

3. Name someone with the same birthday as you:
Hankyung from Super Junior :/

4. Age?

5. Favourite fruit?
Grapes! ;)

6. For or against same sex marriage?
Anything's fine.

7. Are you allergic to anything?

8. Are you bisexual?

9. Have you ever slept in someone's elses clothes?

10. How many U.S states have you been too?
None ):

11. How many of the U.S states have you lived in?
None either ):

12. Have you ever lived outside the U.S?
Yeapp, Japan and Singapore ;D

13. Name something physical you like about yourself?
HAHAH urmmm my rebonded hair?? O:

14. Something non-physical you like about yourself?
I like that I am different from everyone ;)

15. Do you have any pets?
Yeah! My four hamsters :D

16. What is your dream car?
Lambourghini (sp)?

17. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
Japan!!! ^^

18. Are you bipolar?
What's that? -.-

19. What dream car do you want your husband/wife to drive?
Whatttttt HAHAHAH may not get married ;)

20. Where would you want to go on a first date?

21. Would you date the person who posted this before you?
Depends who you are ;P

22. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally?
Yeahhh, EFL that time :X

23. Ever been kissed under fireworks?

24. What was the last text message you received:
"Wht you doing now" from Soniya (:

25. Have you ever bungee jumped?

26. Have you ever white water rafted?

27. Has anyone ten years older than you ever hit on you?
Ewww gross, no -.-

28. Are you racist?

29. What song are you listening to right now?
I'm not listening to anything now.

30. What's your favorite song at the moment?
S.E.O.U.L by Super Junior and SNSD currently.

31. What was the last movie you watched?
Urmmm, can't remember O:

32. Where was the last place you went besides your house?
MRT Station. HAHAH

33. Have you ever seriously vandalized someone else's property?

34. Have you ever hit someone of the opposite sex?

35. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
The smile and the cuteness ;D

36. Do you smoke?

37. What do you usually order from Starbucks?
I don't drink coffee (:

38. Say something totally random about yourself:
I hate wearing spectacles D:

39. Do you have an iPod?
Nope, but i have an Mp3(:

40. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
Yepp, Yuri Chinen -.- Go google.

41. Do you have freckles?

42. Are you comfortable with your height?
Yeah. :D

43. Do you love someone right now?
HAHAH anyone reading this post ;D

44. How tall are you?

45. Do you speak any other language other than English?
Chinese, malay and a little japanese ;D

46. Have you ever ridden in a limo?
No. :( :( :(

47. Has anyone you were really close to passed away?
My great-grandmother.

48. Do you watch MTV?
YES. ^^

49. What's something that really annoys you
Tallying everyone's EFL: forms. :D

50. Do you like Michael Jackson?
I guess so.

51. Have you ever surfed?

52. Do you know how to pump gas?

53. Do you drive?

54. What's the latest you have ever stayed out?
Urmmmm. :P

55. Have you ever thought that you were honestly going to die?

56. Were you ever rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room?

57. Have you ever been dared to do something you didn't want to do?
Can't remember.

58. What's your favorite state to live in?
Tokyo! :D

59. What color is your hair?
Dark brown.

60. What color are your eyes?
I think brown, HAHAHA.

61. Do you have any special talents?
HAHAHA ohhh i can write ;)

62. Favorite non-alcoholic drink?
Green tea.

63. Favorite city?

64. Have you ever ridden a mechanical bull?

65. If you were working on a pirate ship, what would you most likely be?
The Captain! :D

66. Who do you live with?
My family. :)

67. Last thing you watched on TV?
HAHAHA Your Hand in Mine on Channel 8 (Y)!

68. Do you wear glasses or contacts?
Glasses ):

69. Have you ever taken a roadtrip?
Does driving all the way to Malaysia count? O:

70. Does your computer have a mouse?

71. What's your favorite article of clothing you own?
I don't know. :O

72. Who is the main person you talk to in each of your classes?
Loong Jiamin, Laura Martens, Bavithra Vijeyan, Kelly Wong, Amanda Yeo, Ameilia Yeo, Midori Tan, Bernice Natasha, Sarah Marie Goh, Pulara Somachandran.

73. Do you like school?
Of course. I love it. :)

74. What color is your shirt?
White with this south korean flag on it -.-

75. How many bedrooms do you have in your house?

76. What kind of house do you live in?
HDB flat.

77. What was the last mall you've been to?
West Mall.

78. Are you alone?
Everyone's home now

79. Do you have any older siblings?
I'm the oldest. :)

80. What is the last thing you ate?
Fish soup ^^

81. Who was the last person to come over to your house?
Ian and Lynn (:

82. Who was the last person to call you?
Jean! :D

83. What time is it?

84. What should you be doing?
Doing Lit homework and completing the EFL evalution forms -.-

85. Who is the last person you IMed?
Don't know what's that (:

86. Did you go out to eat yesterday?

87. What are you thinking about right now?
Lit homework, sleeping, EFL evaluation forms, PTC, Yuri Chinen, Hey!Say!JUMP and YOU.

88. What color are your pants?
Blue and white :D

89. What color is your keyboard?

90. What do you feel like eating/drinking?

91. Are you in college?

92. Are you bored?

93. How many teeth do you have?
Two sets of teeth.

94. What color are your shoes?
I'm not wearing shoes now.

95. Last thing you drank?

96. Who do you love?
Yuri Chinen! :D

97. What are you doing right now?

98. What are you looking at now?
Facebook, evaluation template, blogger.

99. What's the last words you said?
I can't remember.

100. Do you have lip gloss on?

101. Do you have eyeliner on?

102. Where is your cell phone?
Beside me on the bed.

103. Do you have any friends named Robby?
HAHA no.

104. Do you have any friends named Nikki?

105. Are you afraid of the dark?

106. Did you used to watch "are you afraid of the dark"?

107. Do you like someone right now?
Used to.

108. What size shoe are you?
Don't know :/

109. Spell your first name backwards:

110. Where do you live?

111. Something you are deathly afraid of?
Dying in the end of the world.

112. Do you like candles:

113. Do you like the taste of blood:
No ,tastes weird.

114. Do you believe in love?
Course. ;)

115. Do you believe in God?
YES ^^

116. What's something you wish you could understand better?
Myself, you.

117. Where is your favorite place to shop?
Jurong Point.

118. How much is the most you've ever spent on a single clothing item?
I think around $40plus.

119. Who is the least fashionable person/people you know?
I can't say. HAHAHA

120. Do you do drugs?

121. What kind of soap do you use?
Shokubutsu ;)

122. Where do you want to get married?
In Japan.

123. Things that drive you crazy?
Homework, PTC, Yuri, Yamada and YOU.

124. Do you think you are a good driver?

125. Where are you right now?


Saturday, March 20, 2010

It's very cold today reminds me of Hongkong weather O:
Hahaha oh found this old picture in my netbook it was taken in Nov 2008 i think.
We were going to Hongkong HAHAH oh Jiayan pls dont kill me if you see this O:
I'm very bored now i was talking to Abbicia just now and she went to sleep ald ):
Sheesh hahah okay now my cousins are at my house playing Wii apparently my father bought more new Wii games including WiiResorts! I can spend my whole time playing and exercising now ^^
I'm supposed to play Ben 10 Alien Force with one of my cousins apparently he's playing canoeing with my sister and they are canoeing out of line -.-
Okayyy i'm bored nowww and i haven showered yet so i better do it now

Friday, March 19, 2010

YOG dance today was tiring, learnt more new moves :/
Didn't enjoy it one bit at all hahah but i could see Geraldine dancing from where i was standing ^^
HAHAHA. I'm very sleepy and i realised there's still lit and physics hwk undone -.-
I think i'll do them tonight before i sleep(:
S.E.O.U.L by SNSD and Super Junior is very nice, i think it is promoting Korea O:
I think i'm addicted to Hi Chew O: I like cherry flavour ^^
It's not in here though :/

Hahaha okay i better watch my drama now bye

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Manon Yapari: “Sailor Disney”

From left to right: Pocahontas as Sailor Pluto, Mulan as Sailor Mercury, Belle as Sailor Jupiter, Esmeralda as Sailor Neptune, Madellaine (HoND II) as Sailor Uranus, Aurora as Sailor Venus, Melody as Sailor Chibi Moon, Ariel as Sailor Moon and Jasmine as Sailor Mars.

Omg so cool i also want. HAHAHAH this was ripped off from Cousin Desiree's Tumblr :> so credits to her.
It's a boring and hot day, my maid just made curry puffs which tastes awesome she says she wanna see them when she goes back to Indonesia.
It's so hot and i wanna cut my hair but my mum doesn't allow -.- This sucksczx.
Okay i wanna watch my Hidairime Tantei EYE but wait no subs and i'll be listening in Japanese which i clearly don't understand at all.
Universal Studios Singapore opens tmr i wanna go soon ^^

Monday, March 15, 2010

I wish we never became close friends.
It's a nice day today, the weather's so cooling (:
Omg i got chinese tuition tmr which starts at 12 -.- I don't wanna go.
Then thursday and friday got YOG training, oh no, gay dance -__-"
Had fun playing WiiSports today (Y) hahaha especially the boxing part.
Texted Geraldine the wholeday today i kept telling her i wanted a docomo phone from Japan the bright red one. HAHAHA
I''m seriously bored and hungry.
I want to go for a haircut but i'm afraid the hairdresser will screw up -.- They always do.
Ohkay bye

Saturday, March 13, 2010

EFL rockeddd, omg i had such a blast!
Campfire night was superrrr! HAHA but i still think last year's EFL was more enjoyable :/
HAHAH the first two nights sleeping in the tentage wasn't so nice, Ameilia told me she woke up to see a mosquito sucking her blood, ewww gross ttm and Felicia and Jiamin told me there were ants in their sleeping bags, grosssczx.
My skin's peeling, especially my nose, i stupidly used the green tea pore patch to remove it -__-" And i used the wrong type of pimple cream. I have sunburns on my scalp and arms and neck and nose and cheeks -.- Note to self: Bring SPF 100 sunblock for next year's EFL i think SPF 50 don't help. It was so hot that i could even see heat waves -.- Unbelievable. I'm bringing a cap next year too.
Chalet was funn, slept around 1am, hohoho Lynette kicked me when i was asleep -.- Ouch, and it was freezing, i didn't wear my jacket, but better than the heat.
HAHAH omg i think 2J's class tee-shirt is super nice lah i envy them O:
I'm glad to be back home but all the unpacking is killing me oh shitttt.
Got new Wii (Y) Will play tennis later or my Ben 10 Alien Force
i got tuition later -.- Huh it's raining now.

Monday, March 8, 2010

I feel like a loserrr -.-
I don't know if it's just me or everyone, but everything seems to be fading away.
There's Dnt tomorrow, oh shoot. I hate Dnt.
And the file the button broke -.- Lousy quality.
I want tueday to quickly go, oh man there's Dance too on that day, haven't written anything yet.
EFL must fasterr come! Getting bitten by the mosquitos and getting wet in the sea is an adventure.
Oh i wanna go out too and meet up with JiaYan, love you! ;D
12 years of friendship already, thanks for everything! ^^ Even though we're not so close, may we remain the best of friends.
I shall read The Notebook.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Miura Haruma is sooo hottt.
Friendship is like a glass ornament, once it is broken it can rarely be put back together exactly the same way.
EFL fasterrr come. I wanna go soon, I don't wanna stay stuck at home whaling my time away.
I have so much tuiton homework which i missed from the past two weeks ): How to finish by Saturday?? I only have Monday and Tuesday to complete then off to EFL until SATURDAY. Wth, i'm so exhausted. I better start doing tonight. Sighs.
After EFL got YOG practice during March holidays -.- So sian alreadyy.
Visted my great-grandmother's columbarian after a year, time really flies.
I somehow feel so peaceful at her columbarian.
I'm so fatt too, lazy to exercise because of this scorching weather, not surprised if it hits 40 degrees oneday.
I think my eyesight will increase sooner or later, at the rate I'm using the computer.
I hate the way i look, with glasses. I really hate glasses, only makes me a nerd.
My parents won't let me wear contacts, wth, until I'm probably sixteen? -.- Or older.
So long time more lah, i can't be bothered to blog anymore. I'm really tired.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Shintaro so cuteeee ^^ I think i'm in love with him after watching Hidarime Tante EYE. I watched like four episodes and totally addicted to it now (: Heard Diary of a Wimpy Kid the movie is coming out on March 19! O:
I wanna watch!! How excitinggg. I got tuition today which starts at 2pm and i haven't even eaten my lunch yet -_-" I'm still so full from this morning's breakfast.
I'm so tired today, i slept at 8plus last night and woke up at 10 today?? Pig much.
My mother wants me to pack for EFL, i don't know what to pack. I only know must pack my own toilet paper! O: I want to domething really engaging that wil take my mind away from everything. Crying, emoing or wtv shit is not going to help in wtv situation.
I feel like going for a haircut, but wait i scared the hairdresser will screw up my hair, tsk, the hairdressers all don't know what style i want.
I got chinese and math tuition and have to rush again like some idiot -.- I'm a nerd, yes i knowwww.
Exams will getting back next week, i think i've flunked geography and chinese -__-
My first answer for chinese was WRONG, epic much.
Okay, dad is back with my lunch.
Gtg Bye.
Today's such a long day, the weather is so hot recently. I can't take it anymore. The YOG dance the other day very funny ^^ Heard we're gonna wear leotards with something attached to the sides of our arms??? O: HAHAHA like butterfly like that (Y) HAHAHAHA I feel lazy to blog already because i'm so mentally and physically exhausted. EFL's like next week, gosh and Term 1 is overrrr.
I'm going to start packing tomorrow, like auntie and bring lots of plastic bags. Hehehe. Jiamin likes my touch phone, she's like some retard playing it with and tapping it with my stylus O:
I feel like everything passes too quickly, before you know it O levels are here. I feel like primary school was just yesterday, i really wish to go back to the past, with little worries.
I feel like going out now that the holidays are here, catch up with some old friends and chat.
Cousin Desiree's so pretty i wish i had her looks.
There's many things i want that i can't have.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Exams are over (Y)! ^^ But i think i'm going to fail geog, physics and chinese ):
EFL camp is next week! So excited, gonna sleep with Jiamin again like last year, last year was fun, i hope this year will even more enjoyable :D
My skin is peeling from my fingers which i think is gross -.-
I don't know what to do now, I think I'll write more fanfics :)
Okay BYE
Today is a shitty day for me.