Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Okay i removed the tagboard since noone tags in the first place -.-
And my blog's dead, however, I think i'll be updating it still, but i'm more active on Tumblr.
Oh yeah and ask me anything on my Formspring too please, it's getting dead -.-
Okay it's already Wednesday, the first week of school is almost gone, okay so far
New teachers everything so need to study and revise cause CA2's coming up earlier cause of YOG.
Honestly, i just wanna work hard this term so i can get into a good class next year caus eif i screw up and dont get my choices, i'm the one gonna suffer and wtv. My sister just pointed to me that my O levels are actually in one and a half year's time.
Come to think of it, it's pretty short. 2010 has passed by in a flash. Half of the year's gone already.
It's time i start waking up and stop fooling around and focus on my studies more.
I dont wanna regret it or have a deja vu like in p6.
Life's been pretty smooth lately now, i was just looking back at my old pictures in p5-p6.
Alot of things has happened lately, six months gone just like that, almost July already yeahs.
I also realised i have been blogging since October 2008, but my other Blogger account was screwed and i lost all my memories ):
I understand how you feel Anne-Marie ):
I dont know how long i can keep blogging, but i'll do my best.
Anyway, Hey! Say! JUMP's finally coming out a first album after three years -.-
I've been in love with them for one and a half years but i dont know how long i can continue.

Friday, June 25, 2010

I hope you will have a whole collection of Stitches! ^^
Okay, i feel posting in lime green because it is such a nice colour. :D
Guys painting two fingernails. It could be a new trend like how guys pierce one ear. I just realised that i didnt add Anne-Marie on msn, which is stupid O: Cause both of didnt realise until today. HAHAHAHA.The weather was like 26degrees today. Oh why can't it be this cold everyday? School's reopening hahaha i think i'm looking forward to it, a fresh new term. This June really passed very fast. 2010 is passing. ~ Soon it'll be the end of the year again. Okay, my sister told me there's this mosquito hat that zaps mosquitoes, she read it from Young Scientist. HAHAHAH. Oh no i have tuition tomorrow at 9.30am D:
Okay, have to wake up early tomorrow, bye

Monday, June 21, 2010

This is my wallpaper ^^

Ok my blog is officially dead like Anne-Marie said-.-
Which is true cause noone tags but i sometimes see people online reading-.-
Okay nevermind, this will be still my blog but i'll be using Tumblr more often ^^
I love Tumblr hehehe so addictive. YOG today was boring redoing the formation.
It was hot and sunny too-.- Rennie and Kelly rebonded their hair.
Heheh Rennie looks so cutesy.
Like half of the class was absent, which wasnt surprising at all, LOL our class always half the class only attend.
Next week school's starting again, okay not looking forward to it like srsly.
Haven gotten things ready yet, revision and everything O:
Happy yesterday met Piao Lin and Cherie Fong again. :) :) :)
Went with Cherie grab a bite, she couldnt finish her waffles. O:
Then bused back with her.
Okay i'm bored and currently waiting for my fanfiction. ^^
Kayy, that's all bye.

Friday, June 18, 2010

I know i'm being selfish but i really miss Holly )':
Sighs maybe now isnt the right time to get a dog..
Maybe her new owner will treat her better than us.
After watching Music Station, I wat to learn how to do moonwalk!
Which is quite impossible for me to do because i suck at dancing.
I just realised Michael Jackson's death anniversary is on Jiamin's birthday. O:
There's something wrong with this netbook-.- I cant seem to play my Hey! Say! JUMP videos.
They buffer nonstop O: Which is annoying the hell out of me.
Okay, I want Christmas to faster come O: I want to sing christmas carols! :D
Abbicia called me a tranny and i have no idea what that means O:
I need to improve on my english more!
And i realised i used four O: in this whole post. HAHAHAHA. Okay, hahah retarded.
OH YES. Almost forgot, I'll be posting a Chinen picture at the end of every post. ^^

I love his yearbook photo!
Cant believe he was on music station japan with Lady Gaga ^^
HAHAH i am obsessed with him again, sorryy for the spam ;)
And i'm annoyed by the posers of him out there @: He has no Facebook at all!!
All these people pretending to be him are annoying, annoying and annoying!
But i will always ♥ Chinen, I wanna go one of their concerts if they have world tour, they definitely have to come SG!
YOG, hopefully he'll come down to support Japan's volleyball team since he's supporting Japan volleyball.

Facts about Yuri Chinen:
◕On June 2, 2003, Yuri entered Johnny & Associates as a trainee. Daiki Arioka, a member of the same group as him, was also there during that time.
◕In 2007, he moved from his hometown of Hamamatsu to the capital, Tokyo, and despite previously having never been involved in it, it was through back-up dancing that his career truly began.[citation needed]
◕On April 3 of that same year, he began activities with Hey! Say! 7 starting with a public performance at a KAT-TUN concert.
◕On September 21, 2007, he began performing as a member of Hey! Say! JUMP.
◕Favourite Colour: Green
◕Disliked Colour: Orange
◕Hobby: Dancing (Jazz since he was three) and Soccer.
◕Former Groups: Hey! Say! 7
◕Favourite Subject: PE because he says he is really good at gymnastics and it makes him look like a hero when he is doing flips. He also likes Social Studies.
◕Disliked Subject: English (He wonders why he has to learn it since he is Japanese.)
◕Chinen is a fan of Ohno Satoshi of ARASHI.
◕His most treasured possession is ohno’s signed board. He got it from the concert of ARASHIi. He said that it came flying (ARASHI is throwing out their autographs for their fans) and he caught it.
◕He wants to be like Ohno someday when he grows up.
◕Hey! Say! JUMP members calls him “Chiii” because he is like a cute squirrel, transferring from one tree (they’re preferring to their laps) to another.
◕He wants to be mature like Daiki.
◕He loves eating vanilla flavored ice cream or popsicle with Yamada and Daiki.
◕People usually call him and Daiki “husband and wife” because they’re always together.
◕He was teamed up with Daiki when they auditioned at Ya-Ya-Yah.
◕He loves playing sliding phones (especially yamada’s) because it’s fun he says.
◕His first kiss was from a sixteen year old girl. It happened in his dorama “Nanako and Nanao”.
◕He learned ballet at such an early age.
◕His favorite color is black.
◕His treasure is the ball that has ohno’s sign on it.
◕His charm point is his eyebrow.
◕Last time that he cried is when the break time of their shooting in the JUMP PV because Yama-chan used his tramp card without permission.
◕When it is break time in his school, he sleeps or he just daydreams.
◕Favorite season is summer.
◕Chii likes to hide Keito`s slipper.
◕Chii likes to eat Keito`s ice creams.
◕Chii loves Yama`s clothes that’s why he loves to borrow it.
◕Chii likes to sit on the HSJ members` lap.
◕Chii treats Yuto as his dad and rival for Yama-chan.
◕Chii likes to call Takaki “Onnichan” (big brother).
◕Chii does`nt like to have a hug pillow and he does`nt have one too because he said that Yama-chan is his hug pillow, but he said he was just kidding.
◕Chii loves to pinch Ryutaro`s cheeks.
◕Chii likes to bully and tease Ryutaro even if Ryutaro is taller than him.
◕Chii always ask Yama to teach him the fishing skills.
◕If he goes out to a date with someone, he wants the girl to grill the barbecue instead of him. It’s because if he eats what the girl had been grilling, she will be inspired to do better.
◕He prefers older AND taller women.
◕Type of girl he likes: Quick thinker, Can dance and sing with him, Always happy, Nice, and Cute.
◕Hiis favorite foods are gyoza and cucumber… he hates mushrooms and food with eggplants.
◕His favorite anime is Dr. Slump and his favorite cartoon is Tom and Jerry.
◕He wants to have 2 kids.
◕He has a sister whose name is Chinen Saya.
◕He has long eyelashes.
◕He loves to tease anyone.
◕He is left handed.
◕He also love to read manga and borrow the manga of Inoo Kei and never return it.
◕He always annoy Hikaru so that Hikaru can teach him how to play the guitar.
◕He likes to climb Takaki’s back and play horsey horsey.
◕He puts mayonaise on Dai-chan’s food even though Daiki hates mayonaise.
◕He’ll grab out first his wallet when their house is on fire.
◕His favorite phrase… well he looked and pointed takaki and shouted “TAKAKI”.
◕As supporters for the Japanese volleyball team for the FIVB World Grand Prix 2009, he performed in June 2009 with Ryosuke Yamada and Nakayama Yuma w/ B.I.Shadow as members of the temporary group NYC boys. The C of NYC boys comes from the initials of his last name Chinen.

K. That's all. :D Bye.

I like this photo best. :D LAURA THE FRIENDLY GHOST ^^

Laura came over today (Y) for the bridge project.
I burned my hand with the glue O: I didn't know the glue was so hot.
I like Laura's curly hair ^^ So pretty ^^
Heheh okay okay school's going to reopen soon ): Sad.
Then there's YOG next week and Midori isnt back from her holiday-.-
I wanna spam this blog with Chinen pictures \m/
Okay i wanna watch Toy Story 3 soon and i think the Barbie there is pretty(;

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Isn't she just adorable? :D
This is Holly from SPCA.
I will go and volunteer at SPCA when i'm seventeen, which is three years from now :/
And spend an hour traveling all the way to Bartley.
This morning woke up early to register for an adoption for her.
However, two families are pending for her already ): I pray, pray i will get her.
Fingers crossed and hope for the best.
I really must stop procrastinating and go and study!
There's only one and a half weeks left till school reopens-.-
YOG practice next week ): ): ):
Sighs, this June sucks.
Okay have to study now, byeee.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Today was a blastt! Outing with JiaYan today.
Bukit Batok -> Causeway Point -> Jurong Point.
Causeway Point was boring :/ Nothing much to see except lots of branded stuffz that none of us can afford -.-
Only bought a slurpie from there cause i was thirsty. O:
Jurong Point was better, rather crowded with people.
Bought $1 japanese chicken satay, sushi and gummies from Minitoons.
Went arcade and took neoprints TWICE.
The second time we went take neoprints we decorated it for 30min until some old man and his kid went to take.
Heheh so fun decorating <: Saw Geraldine at Lai Lai.
Geraldine couldnt see me when i walked past her more than 5times-.-
And she didnt wave back when i waved at her like a retard-.-
I realised there's chinese tuition in the morning tomorrow again O:
Chinen is my addiciton now, Tumblr's addictive because of him <:
Okay that's all, bye.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

HAHAHA hello i know it's kinda late but i only can upload the penang photos next week ):
This group photo credits to Nicole Teo <: Taken outside the first IJ school set up in Southeast Asia
Penang was a blastt! The hotel was just great, food too ;)
Today had project for physics with Jiamin! ^^
Fetched her from the MRT, had to carry retarded stick umbrellas -.-
I slipped and almost fell and some passerby who saw laughed -.-
Glitter everywhere on my floor, kaleidoscope was a failure -.-
Tmr outing with JiaYan :D (Y)
Okay i'm a happygalz cause i can finally download videos in my com!!! HEHEH CHEAP THRILLS
Bye i wanna watch School Kakumei there's Hey!Say!JUMP \m/

Friday, June 4, 2010

Today's YOG, did the formation halfway and got indigestion afterwards.
Midori wants to be fairrrrr heheh but she is super tanned already O:
Then went to Subway's at Holland Village with Jiamin and Laura.
Holland Village has a huge slope it reminds me of some countryside which has shophouses and it's so peaceful.
Laura is a kuku who doesnt know there is a huge windmill in Holland and Jiamin can spot it from far!
Then Jiamin saw a black bag and thought there was some bomb in it, turned out to be an UMBRELLA.
Took the bus to Dover mrt, Jiamin says it looks like an amusement park. O:
'Cookies and cream, Ice-cream is heaven.'
Okay, i have to sleep early for tomorrow's trip.
Bye :D

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I like the middle shot the best (;
And i love Jean Ng. :D
Credits to Jean for the photos. ^^
YOG wasn't so bad today but class attendance was poor, like only 29 people attended-.-
After YOG went to Macs' with Felicia and Rennie, I didn't eat anything but drank only green tea.
Felicia bought two cakes worth more than Rennie's macdonald meal-.- The manga Blaue Rosen is confusing.
The guy looks like a girl and the girl looks like a guy?! -.- Soniya says there is porn but i'm not believing it. HAHAHA
Okay, the guy in the book reminds me of Chinen, sounds interesting.
3 days left ^^

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

It's June already, time sure flies and there's yog tomorrow again! -.-
Watched Lovely Bones today, the girl was sure dumb to be lured into such a trap and her killer is a paedophile O:
Her killer is some old man with round spectacles that killed many girls too -.-
But it was rather slow, yet nice in away.
I'm supposed to download maple and play it with Midori but honestly, I think forgot my password and the second password O: She's going to kill me for not downloading -.-
I can't wait for saturday to come fasterrrr ^^ I will be shopping and shopping and bargaining at the night market hehehe ^^
Maybe have to stayback after school to help Christabelle and Vicky finish up the gift for the Penang trip.
Oh yeah, my sunblock is missing from yesterday -.- I have a feeling it dropped in the drain and if mum finds out I'm hot soup.