Friday, June 18, 2010

I know i'm being selfish but i really miss Holly )':
Sighs maybe now isnt the right time to get a dog..
Maybe her new owner will treat her better than us.
After watching Music Station, I wat to learn how to do moonwalk!
Which is quite impossible for me to do because i suck at dancing.
I just realised Michael Jackson's death anniversary is on Jiamin's birthday. O:
There's something wrong with this netbook-.- I cant seem to play my Hey! Say! JUMP videos.
They buffer nonstop O: Which is annoying the hell out of me.
Okay, I want Christmas to faster come O: I want to sing christmas carols! :D
Abbicia called me a tranny and i have no idea what that means O:
I need to improve on my english more!
And i realised i used four O: in this whole post. HAHAHAHA. Okay, hahah retarded.
OH YES. Almost forgot, I'll be posting a Chinen picture at the end of every post. ^^

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