Tuesday, June 1, 2010

It's June already, time sure flies and there's yog tomorrow again! -.-
Watched Lovely Bones today, the girl was sure dumb to be lured into such a trap and her killer is a paedophile O:
Her killer is some old man with round spectacles that killed many girls too -.-
But it was rather slow, yet nice in away.
I'm supposed to download maple and play it with Midori but honestly, I think forgot my password and the second password O: She's going to kill me for not downloading -.-
I can't wait for saturday to come fasterrrr ^^ I will be shopping and shopping and bargaining at the night market hehehe ^^
Maybe have to stayback after school to help Christabelle and Vicky finish up the gift for the Penang trip.
Oh yeah, my sunblock is missing from yesterday -.- I have a feeling it dropped in the drain and if mum finds out I'm hot soup.

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