Monday, June 21, 2010

This is my wallpaper ^^

Ok my blog is officially dead like Anne-Marie said-.-
Which is true cause noone tags but i sometimes see people online reading-.-
Okay nevermind, this will be still my blog but i'll be using Tumblr more often ^^
I love Tumblr hehehe so addictive. YOG today was boring redoing the formation.
It was hot and sunny too-.- Rennie and Kelly rebonded their hair.
Heheh Rennie looks so cutesy.
Like half of the class was absent, which wasnt surprising at all, LOL our class always half the class only attend.
Next week school's starting again, okay not looking forward to it like srsly.
Haven gotten things ready yet, revision and everything O:
Happy yesterday met Piao Lin and Cherie Fong again. :) :) :)
Went with Cherie grab a bite, she couldnt finish her waffles. O:
Then bused back with her.
Okay i'm bored and currently waiting for my fanfiction. ^^
Kayy, that's all bye.

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