Friday, June 25, 2010

I hope you will have a whole collection of Stitches! ^^
Okay, i feel posting in lime green because it is such a nice colour. :D
Guys painting two fingernails. It could be a new trend like how guys pierce one ear. I just realised that i didnt add Anne-Marie on msn, which is stupid O: Cause both of didnt realise until today. HAHAHAHA.The weather was like 26degrees today. Oh why can't it be this cold everyday? School's reopening hahaha i think i'm looking forward to it, a fresh new term. This June really passed very fast. 2010 is passing. ~ Soon it'll be the end of the year again. Okay, my sister told me there's this mosquito hat that zaps mosquitoes, she read it from Young Scientist. HAHAHAH. Oh no i have tuition tomorrow at 9.30am D:
Okay, have to wake up early tomorrow, bye

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