Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Okay i removed the tagboard since noone tags in the first place -.-
And my blog's dead, however, I think i'll be updating it still, but i'm more active on Tumblr.
Oh yeah and ask me anything on my Formspring too please, it's getting dead -.-
Okay it's already Wednesday, the first week of school is almost gone, okay so far
New teachers everything so need to study and revise cause CA2's coming up earlier cause of YOG.
Honestly, i just wanna work hard this term so i can get into a good class next year caus eif i screw up and dont get my choices, i'm the one gonna suffer and wtv. My sister just pointed to me that my O levels are actually in one and a half year's time.
Come to think of it, it's pretty short. 2010 has passed by in a flash. Half of the year's gone already.
It's time i start waking up and stop fooling around and focus on my studies more.
I dont wanna regret it or have a deja vu like in p6.
Life's been pretty smooth lately now, i was just looking back at my old pictures in p5-p6.
Alot of things has happened lately, six months gone just like that, almost July already yeahs.
I also realised i have been blogging since October 2008, but my other Blogger account was screwed and i lost all my memories ):
I understand how you feel Anne-Marie ):
I dont know how long i can keep blogging, but i'll do my best.
Anyway, Hey! Say! JUMP's finally coming out a first album after three years -.-
I've been in love with them for one and a half years but i dont know how long i can continue.

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