Sunday, February 28, 2010

CA1 is tomorrow! Gonna mug mug if I wanna get into the class i really want.
Time to wake up before it's too late.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Omg, I'm totally going to faint when i saw this.
Chinen with the the daisy! I totally take back what i said about his hair xD
Everything suits him perfectly.
I changed this picture to my background picture on the computer.
Jean and I are busy preparing stuff for EFL, oh my gotta type in everyone's particulars.
Gotta do it soon, tomorrow is Red Cross!
Hmmm I'll try my best ^^ CA1 next monday, math and geog -_-"
Oh God, save me for Geog, better study like mad.
I'm going to watch Ousama no Brunch again where i can see Chinen ^^
-__-" LOL i think i sound like a pedophile, but who cares.
Okay bye!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Nice one, Munneh ;)

Wha Jellybean looks so high ^^Okay, i think some people got drunk last night -.- And beer tastes disgusting!
Khaiting was happily squishing grapes inside the beer, which was GROSS ttm -.-
Well, i had fun ^^ It was like an OLQP bonding! (:
I hoped Anne-Marie enjoyed herself, LOL. I think Jellybean happiest among all lah, laughing like mad -.-
Oh today had CMC training, wasn't so boring like i expected to be (:
Was with Jean, Natalie Kwan and Kim (:
Went Singapore indoor stadium for Guides Thinking Day, I saw JiaYan! :D HOHOHO i think she shocked to see me ^^
I saw Adora, Kimberly, Alyssa and OLQP-ians there ^^
Went Midori's house do geography project.
Felicia and Laura came!
She had indigestion O:
So bought her Eno from IMM and quickly brought her home
She's feeling better now :)
Okay my new found love is kueh bangkit! \m/

Hello! Anne-Marie's Freakazoid Fourteen party rocked! ;)
I think Jellybean was drunk O:
HAHAHA Will upload pictures soon! (:
Off to Midori's house ^^

Friday, February 19, 2010

Valentine's Day was greattt :> Thanks everyone who gave me sweets and chocolates!
Love you!
School has been rather okay so far,but tomorrow's going to be a busy day from morning to night.
I'm going to school for CMC training at 8am then off to Guides Thinking Day at 10am which ends at 4pm at Kallang and rush back to Jurong to Midori's house for Geography project O:
I finally found my earphones after worrying nonstop (Y) Thanks mum (:
I'm going Anne-Marie's house soon, ohhhh! I haven't made her a card yet, better do it soon.

I think Ni hao Kai Lan is damn cute lah ^^ Mum thinks it's cute too. HAHAHAHA. I recently found the urge to fold nonstop, I have been folding Shalyn's paper stars for her and apparently i finshed folding all her stars using her paper and Lynette's too! HAHAHA and Shalyn taught me how to fold a paperheart today! I think i shall fold somemore and buy paperhearts and papaerstars because it's very addictive!

HAHAHA okay bye!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Oh man, i got ink all on my fingers. ): Stupid paper jam, I thought i spoiled the whole printer! O: Scare me only lah. I feel very happy ^^ Heheh i have been reading many Hey!Say!JUMP fanfics and it's making me very high (: I wrote my own draft, but i think i need to work on it more. HEHE but I'm in a good mood today yeah! ^^ I finally finished reading one of the fanfics called Scheme which includes Yamada Ryosuke! ♥ I know i like some total retardzxzx! Cheap thrills only, but really, it's addictive! O: I can't stop reading or writing now. HAHAHA I even printed out one of my faves for Ameilia to read ^^


Isn't he gorgeous? xD *drools*
HAHAHAHA But i will always be faithful to Chinen ^^v
Heheheh oh! I wanna stare at my Hey!Say!JUMP photobook, and watch the DVD again!
I so wu liao, yes i know, it's in japanese with no subs, but who cares? :D
YAY i shall read more and tweet now (:
BYE ^^v

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Third day of Chinese New Year.
My relatives are at my house = (Y)! I feel very fat nowz after eating so much ba gwa and pineapple tarts -.-
My cousin and my sister are ridiculously funny, they came out screaming from my bedroom because my cousin had saw something really 'scary' under the bed O: She said that she saw a face -.-
Her brother went under my bed to find out what's the 'face'.
Turns out it was a a squashed ping pong ball with was vandalised in black marker -.-
So stupid. Then everyone started laughing. HAHAHAHA.
School reopens tomorrow ):
Then Friday going to Anne-Marie's birthday bash!♥
Then saturday i get to miss tuition because of Thinking Day ^^ and the following saturday i also miss tuition again because of Flag Day. (Y)!
And yes, I'm currently addicted to fanfiction, esp Hey!Say!JUMP ones. :)
It takes my mind off everything, all my problems.
And yesterday i wrote my own fanfiction, i spent like almost three hours ++ but i think it sucks D:
My little cousin is begging me to play with him, I think i shall play with him. :)
Three wishes.
I wish you weren't mad at me anymore.

Monday, February 15, 2010

This picture is overdue already.
I'll try to upload the other CNY pictures on Fb asap.
This year not going mum's side to visit relatives.
Went Hillview today to meet my dad's side.
Freak you, CNY goodies. I'm gonna put on alot of weight after this -.-
Saw the pictures taken from yesterday, omg i look so awful -.-
Today's ones taken look better.
I saw Midori today at IMM when we were at Cafe Cartel ^^v
She so cute, carrying an umbrella with her nails painted black. Wow O:
If you ask me, I'm really too lazy to paint my nails, i wanted to paint it bright orange
HAHAHA, But school's gonna reopen on Wednesday, so yeah -.-
Tsktsk, and ppl will call me girly after that. HAHAHA i think i'm the only one in my dad's side wearing jeans for the past two days. Tomorrow also confirm wear jeans.

Hopefully, 2010 will be better. This year's there's streaming, so must ganbatte!~

P.S. Thanks Sherilyn for the ChiChanXCherry fanfiction. :)
And thanks Jia Yan for really cheering me up when i was in the blues.
Love you!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

I'm very bored now because there's noone online and yeah, my visiting just ended.
The weather is EXTREMELY HOT. I'm gonna die in this heat, like seriously.
And i realised i owe Soniya her Old Chang Kee sotong O:
HAHAHA I ate alot of ba gwa and folded paper stars with my cousins and got blisters, i have been folding since yesterday and today, and the worst part is, i keep failing, epic man.
HAHAHA i know i'm a total retardzxzx but i don't care (; It's kinda fun, Jellybean will help me fold a thousand by the end of this year.
Mummy knows how to use my school belt and fold into a rose O: I wanna learn.
HAHAHA. WHA i feel damn sadd nowww, i think everyone should know why. I think listening to JUMP's songs make me feel even sadder, especially the song, 'Memories', although i dont understand, something in the song strikes me.
Someone created Facebook already, wow. I heard he got new gf, but i dont care lah, i think he's really annoying. More annoying and idiotic and stupid than _______.
I shall post picturesczxzx, i dont care what anyone says, i wanna walk down memory lane. (:

There's actually more, but I'm really lazy (:
The rest on Facebook , HAHAHA goodness, everyone changed so much.
Time flies.

HAHAHA in case you're wondering what's the crowns on top, yeapp.
They are doing some magazine interview for princes -.-
HAHAHA And Bernice says maybe I'm Chinen's long lost distant relative! O:
Okay BYE.
I feel so stupidddd crying over you. Is it even possible for us to be friends again?
Trust takes years to build, and seconds to break...

Saturday, February 13, 2010

That's righttt.
I'm so pissed off already and angry. I apologised and you don't wanna accept.
I admit it's my fault that this whole thing was caused by me, i shouldnt have texted you or wtv too much.
I'll be irritated by it too.
I shouldnt have become so close to me, or it would have never happened.
What you're doing now, is not gonna make me hate you.
You're only making things WORSE. So STOP IT.
You're making me so depressed, i can't believe you were actually my close friend.
I guess best friends and best pals are different meanings, it's the first time i've heard such things.
You've ruined my birthday. Don't you think you're too much.
I wanna hate you and just yell at you, but i wont.
Making myself angry is not gonna get this problem over with, it's not gonna make things better.
I don't know what you want, but i think you've hurt me too much already.
You can't be bothered, but i should be the one who can't be bothered even more.
You wanna scold me, but i should be the one scolding you instead.
I don't know who you are anymore, you're not the ___________ i used to know.
Yeah, go ahead and rant at me and wtv, this is all my fault.
I'm so bothered by this already, if you're still gonna be like this, i don't think you're worth being my friend.
Saying mean stuff to me is not gonna make me hate you, it's only going t0 hurt me even more.
I just wanted your friendship and nothing else, so will you get it into your thick skull that I'm over you.
Stop acting like a total retard/jerk wtv, and don't accuse me of saying that i've told everyone one side of the story and that I'm irritating your friends. And stop repeating what you've told me like so many times.
I'm not angry already, I'm not gonna waste my breath on you any longer.
If you wanna talk, or don't want to, so be it.

Thanks Rachel for the straw heart for Valentine's Day! (:
Love you!

I like this picture, Shalyn! :D

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Had house practice today.
Learnt dance super fun.
Bavithra told me the teacher dancing damn gay. HAHAHA.
But it was still fun ^^v
Thanks Cynthia and Yamin for the gifts (:
I hope our class wins for CNY decoration.
It looks super nice and alot of effort was put in.
Tomorrow got hotseat for Lit -.- I was sabo-ed by Laura, no choice lah.
Soniya likes Old Chang Kee's sotong!
Shall go buy her one oneday! (: Heehee. Chinen so cute here ^^
Sorry if you're getting irritated with my pictures of Chinen, but he's really cute ^^
HAHA i realised what people says it's true. I look a little like him, without my specs.
Oh yeah Ryutaro wrote on his JUMP paper that he bought new spectacles because he said his eyesight has become worse.
HAHAHA and he wore contacts all along.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Bang. Zap. Pow.
Thanks everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday! ^^
Nothing much to post today.

Monday, February 8, 2010

The ipod so pretty (:
Omg i'm dying like right now doing D&T.
Boring ttm.
Haven't bought my new clothes for CNY yet -.-
Only both two checked shirts.
Talked to Li Jun, Angie and Felicia for like almost two hours :D
Long time no chat (:
Crazy picturescxzx!
LiJun made me delete one of them -.-
Gotta to do my work.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The weather's been strange recently O:
First very very hot now it's like going to rain.
I think I'm addicted to Sims 3 on my mum's handphone (:
Very happy also, my aunt bought me my own Hey!Say!JUMP photobook for my birthday present (;
I feel like taking random pictures with anyone now, I don't know why, maybe it's because I'm terribly bored.
I can't believe it's already February O: CNY is coming! ^^
More angpaos! I owe Anne-Marie one ;D
Exams are coming too, haven even done the billboard for Literature -.-
i suck at D&T. I can't draw 3D properly O: I'm very moody now, maybe it's because I'm thinking of the past.

Hi Chinen.♥
I've been very faithful to you and JUMP for a year already ^^v
Heehee ;D Anyways, i ♥ you and always will.

Friday, February 5, 2010

All these advertisements keep popping out on my computer! -.-So irritating. They wont go away too. I got bad stomachache now, like seriously.
Oh God.
Duet March 2010 is out, downloaded pics ^^v
HEHE i like Ryutaro's red sweater but if i wear in here people will call me xiao -.-
I'm Soniya's stylo car! :D She purposely made me do this job. I got math tuition hwk don't know how to do -.-
I'm so boreddd now.
I shall post pictures of my favourite female idols.♥

Erika Toda.
Nishiuchi Mariya Yoona.

SNSD's Oh! is stuck in my head. Jessica looks like some Barbie doll in there. Which pisses me off the most because i find her the most annoying. Jiamin says she looks hideous without her makeup. WHICH is true. OMG so scary, here got picture (:

SO SCARY RIGHT. If you had seen Jessica with makeup it's a world of difference. Makeup does wonders. I think Yoona and Yuri and Taeyon looks the most natural, the others are also okay. Only Jessica -.-

Okay i think i had enough already of mocking Jessica.


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Stop running away.
It's gonna be more hurting if we don't talk.
I'm gonna fall even harder.
I dont want anything but your friendship.
Are you just going to keep ignoring me?
Is our friendship gonna just end because of this.
I'm not gonna fall for you AGAIN neither am i gonna do anything.
I just want our friendship back.
Dont do this to me, please.
I want to start afresh again and push aside everything becuse everything's so awkward.
I sincerly hope we can start talking again and be friends.
Because i will fall harder if you keep avoiding me.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Wth is wrong with you, Cherie.
Can't think straight at all.