Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Had house practice today.
Learnt dance super fun.
Bavithra told me the teacher dancing damn gay. HAHAHA.
But it was still fun ^^v
Thanks Cynthia and Yamin for the gifts (:
I hope our class wins for CNY decoration.
It looks super nice and alot of effort was put in.
Tomorrow got hotseat for Lit -.- I was sabo-ed by Laura, no choice lah.
Soniya likes Old Chang Kee's sotong!
Shall go buy her one oneday! (: Heehee. Chinen so cute here ^^
Sorry if you're getting irritated with my pictures of Chinen, but he's really cute ^^
HAHA i realised what people says it's true. I look a little like him, without my specs.
Oh yeah Ryutaro wrote on his JUMP paper that he bought new spectacles because he said his eyesight has become worse.
HAHAHA and he wore contacts all along.

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