Sunday, February 14, 2010

I'm very bored now because there's noone online and yeah, my visiting just ended.
The weather is EXTREMELY HOT. I'm gonna die in this heat, like seriously.
And i realised i owe Soniya her Old Chang Kee sotong O:
HAHAHA I ate alot of ba gwa and folded paper stars with my cousins and got blisters, i have been folding since yesterday and today, and the worst part is, i keep failing, epic man.
HAHAHA i know i'm a total retardzxzx but i don't care (; It's kinda fun, Jellybean will help me fold a thousand by the end of this year.
Mummy knows how to use my school belt and fold into a rose O: I wanna learn.
HAHAHA. WHA i feel damn sadd nowww, i think everyone should know why. I think listening to JUMP's songs make me feel even sadder, especially the song, 'Memories', although i dont understand, something in the song strikes me.
Someone created Facebook already, wow. I heard he got new gf, but i dont care lah, i think he's really annoying. More annoying and idiotic and stupid than _______.
I shall post picturesczxzx, i dont care what anyone says, i wanna walk down memory lane. (:

There's actually more, but I'm really lazy (:
The rest on Facebook , HAHAHA goodness, everyone changed so much.
Time flies.

HAHAHA in case you're wondering what's the crowns on top, yeapp.
They are doing some magazine interview for princes -.-
HAHAHA And Bernice says maybe I'm Chinen's long lost distant relative! O:
Okay BYE.
I feel so stupidddd crying over you. Is it even possible for us to be friends again?
Trust takes years to build, and seconds to break...

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