Monday, February 15, 2010

This picture is overdue already.
I'll try to upload the other CNY pictures on Fb asap.
This year not going mum's side to visit relatives.
Went Hillview today to meet my dad's side.
Freak you, CNY goodies. I'm gonna put on alot of weight after this -.-
Saw the pictures taken from yesterday, omg i look so awful -.-
Today's ones taken look better.
I saw Midori today at IMM when we were at Cafe Cartel ^^v
She so cute, carrying an umbrella with her nails painted black. Wow O:
If you ask me, I'm really too lazy to paint my nails, i wanted to paint it bright orange
HAHAHA, But school's gonna reopen on Wednesday, so yeah -.-
Tsktsk, and ppl will call me girly after that. HAHAHA i think i'm the only one in my dad's side wearing jeans for the past two days. Tomorrow also confirm wear jeans.

Hopefully, 2010 will be better. This year's there's streaming, so must ganbatte!~

P.S. Thanks Sherilyn for the ChiChanXCherry fanfiction. :)
And thanks Jia Yan for really cheering me up when i was in the blues.
Love you!

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