Saturday, February 13, 2010

That's righttt.
I'm so pissed off already and angry. I apologised and you don't wanna accept.
I admit it's my fault that this whole thing was caused by me, i shouldnt have texted you or wtv too much.
I'll be irritated by it too.
I shouldnt have become so close to me, or it would have never happened.
What you're doing now, is not gonna make me hate you.
You're only making things WORSE. So STOP IT.
You're making me so depressed, i can't believe you were actually my close friend.
I guess best friends and best pals are different meanings, it's the first time i've heard such things.
You've ruined my birthday. Don't you think you're too much.
I wanna hate you and just yell at you, but i wont.
Making myself angry is not gonna get this problem over with, it's not gonna make things better.
I don't know what you want, but i think you've hurt me too much already.
You can't be bothered, but i should be the one who can't be bothered even more.
You wanna scold me, but i should be the one scolding you instead.
I don't know who you are anymore, you're not the ___________ i used to know.
Yeah, go ahead and rant at me and wtv, this is all my fault.
I'm so bothered by this already, if you're still gonna be like this, i don't think you're worth being my friend.
Saying mean stuff to me is not gonna make me hate you, it's only going t0 hurt me even more.
I just wanted your friendship and nothing else, so will you get it into your thick skull that I'm over you.
Stop acting like a total retard/jerk wtv, and don't accuse me of saying that i've told everyone one side of the story and that I'm irritating your friends. And stop repeating what you've told me like so many times.
I'm not angry already, I'm not gonna waste my breath on you any longer.
If you wanna talk, or don't want to, so be it.

Thanks Rachel for the straw heart for Valentine's Day! (:
Love you!

I like this picture, Shalyn! :D

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