Saturday, February 6, 2010

The weather's been strange recently O:
First very very hot now it's like going to rain.
I think I'm addicted to Sims 3 on my mum's handphone (:
Very happy also, my aunt bought me my own Hey!Say!JUMP photobook for my birthday present (;
I feel like taking random pictures with anyone now, I don't know why, maybe it's because I'm terribly bored.
I can't believe it's already February O: CNY is coming! ^^
More angpaos! I owe Anne-Marie one ;D
Exams are coming too, haven even done the billboard for Literature -.-
i suck at D&T. I can't draw 3D properly O: I'm very moody now, maybe it's because I'm thinking of the past.

Hi Chinen.♥
I've been very faithful to you and JUMP for a year already ^^v
Heehee ;D Anyways, i ♥ you and always will.

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